Rich Griffith is a single Dad of three teenage sons, all of whom he adopted. He soon realized that despite ministering to teenagers for many years, he didn’t know how to disciple his children as a parent. Neither do a lot of parents.
And that is why Rich likes to help parents teach their children how to engage their world by discerning which voices in their lives are helpful and harmful. The wisdom for determining whether or not a voice is worth listening to is discovered through what he calls the “Three Ts”:
- Time. Research shows that parents spend as little as five minutes a day in intentional conversation with their children, but authentic relationships take time to develop.
- Transparency. Character is discovered through transparency. The more parents are willing to be transparent with their children, the better.
- Trust. Trust is established through time and transparency.
He also explains how to discern God’s voice:
- God speaks through his Word.
- God speaks through other people.
- God speaks through circumstances, setting up situations to teach His people to trust Him.
- God speaks through solitude. Seeking the Lord through intentional time alone and quiet can allow for the opportunity to hear from him.
Kids are bombarded by conflicting worldviews and messages, which can be overwhelming for both them and you. Rich is with me on Focus on the Family with Jim Daly to share tips for keeping your children grounded and listening to the positive influences in their lives.
Hear our full conversation on your local radio station, online, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, on our free phone app.
Rich has been teaching at Toccoa Falls College since 2016. He is the Associate Professor of Youth and Multi-generational Ministry and teaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
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